So here we are with an accepted contract! At this point, you step back and take a hard look at the home. Get a home inspection, hire a professional to look at the nuts and bolts and check to see that the plumbing isn’t leaking, the HVAC system works, the attic isn’t full of critters and the crawl space isn’t full of mold.
Buying a home
Step 6 to Buying a Home- Negotiation Period
Again, it’s important to remember that both parties ultimately want the same goal. The seller wants to sell, and you want to buy. There are many ways to get there, we simply have to figure it out, and we usually do.
Step 5 to Buying a Home- Making an Offer
The Contract discusses in detail the exact terms of the sale- purchase price, earnest money, financing, closing costs, appraisal, and inspection contingencies, what is actually being included in sale, it’s all listed to the best of our ability, any HOA specifications, disclosures, taxes, insurance, title work, and pertinent dates for removing contingencies and transfer of title and occupancy. We try to encompass any and all concerns and needs of both the buyer and the seller.
Finding a loan for those amazingly affordable Dayton homes
One of the perks of living in Dayton is home prices that are the envy of the rest of the country, but buying a lower priced home isn’t always as easy as you might think. But never fear- you do have some options, and I’m here to share them with you!
Step 4 of Buying a Home- Finding a Home
All the planning and research you’ve done in the first 3 steps is about to pay off as you are now prepared to go looking at houses. Armed with your list of needs and wants, we head out to explore the homes and indulge in some dreaming. I will set up a personalized search in the Dayton Area Board of Realtors Multiple Listing Service ( just ask) so only the homes that meet your needs get sent directly to your inbox. We can discuss the
pros and cons of each home.
Let’s talk about TRID
What TRID changes is how the loan and all costs associated with it, are disclosed, how the lender complies with those new rules, and the timeline for final delivery of the loan details to the buyer. This timeline can be fluid, creating difficulty with moving dates, same-day closings, and other logistic problems, and that’s why Realtors and lenders are advising building in extra time for closing.