An American Association of Retired Persons survey found that two-thirds of adult children haven’t had the challenging conversation with an aging loved one regarding their later in life days. This is most likely due to the fact that a lot of adult children are not sure how to have a talk of this capacity, or how to begin it. From an article on BusinessWest, here are some helpful tips on successfully having the talk with an aging loved one.
• Decide how you are going to do it and who’s going to be there. Sometimes a one-on-one talk is best; however, if you need someone to back up your points or provide another point of view, it may be a good idea to get other family members involved.
• Go over which talking points you will speak on before approaching your loved one, and set up a time and place to talk.
• Express each idea as an opinion of yours rather than a need for them. For example, choosing phrases like “I think” or “I need” rather than “you should” or “you need” are good ways to avoid conflict.
• Remind your loved one that everyone is there because they care and want to help keep them safe.
• Stay calm. Don’t raise your voice, speak over your loved one, or encourage any hostility during this discussion, as it will only make the situation worse.
• If your loved one immediately dismisses the idea of leaving their home, it may be best to drop the issue for the moment and bring it back up at another time.
There is much more information at the BusinessWest article, here.

Teri Lussier,
The Home Group Realty,
Senior Real Estate Specialist